
Saturday, December 21, 2019

day 5 activity 3 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to choose a person whose changed live s and or the world or just my community and read all about them.
Theres a very  important person in our community sadly hes deceased his name was hundertwasser he created a very unique looking toilet in our community 
hes created more than 80 creations like this one all around the world. He was an amazing person. 100s of thousands of people from all over the world come to kawakawa each year just to see these toilets . beacause of him kawakawa is a popular place and kawakawa thanks him for that.

day 5 activity 1 week 1 slj

for this activity I have to tell you three things that are important to me and why.
personal drawing is important to me cause I love to draw it makes me feel good. My cats are important to me I dont know what id do without them cause they are so cute. My family is the most important thing in the world to me cause I love them

day 4 activity 2 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to think of a name that I would change my name to and why.
My names Angel so I would change my name to Anahera thats the Maori word for Angel I've always liked the name Anahera. My papa is Maori so I think he would support that idea but I would not change y name to Anahera even If I was allowed to.

day 3 activity 2 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to imagine interviewing LeBron James or Steven Adams and make up five questions I would ask one of them.
I would interview LeBron James heres the five questions I would ask him
1. why did you decide to play basketball
2. whats your motivation
3. do your family support you
4. if you could would you decide to play another sport
5. what do you do for free time

day 3 activity 1 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to imagine I could be a superhero for a day and tell you what 3 superpowers i would have and why.
1. super strength (I would have this power in case someone was stuck or trapped so i could help them)
2. shape shifting (I would have this power so I could tern into anything I want Including animals.)
3. levitation (I would have this power so I could lift things with my mind)

day 2 activity 3 slj week 1

For this activity I have to tell you a time when me or someone I know was brave.
Once I went to a marae at ti ti beach me and my cousin were playing. then we saw this small cliff and we decided to climb it I was at the top watching him climb. then he yelled out that he needed help because he couldn't climb anymore and he was already really high. So then I grabbed a long bamboo stick and pulled him to the top.

day 2 activity 2 week 1 slj

for this activity I have to write a poem about what Neil Armstrong would have felt when he first stepped on the moon.
stepping out of Apollo 11 you could see for miles
of just space it was amazing
when I took that first step
I knew I was making history
as I stuck the american flag in the moon
I knew I was representing my country
the whole world was watching

slj activity 3 week 1

If i were to choose a charity i would choose SPCA
I would choose them because they keep animals that have been hurt or injured and nurse them back to health and find them a home to live in. They also keep pet that people dont want anymore and find them new homes. Thats why i would choose SPCA cause they are a good charity made to help animals.

day 1 week 1 slj activity

Heres my list of 10 food items i would take on an ocean voyage
just remember there would be no fridge to keep the food cool so you would have to take food that can last long

1. crackers (they last long)
2.bread (they last long enough
3.butter (for the bread)
4. biscuits (they also last pretty long)
5. canned tuna (they can last up to 2 years)
6. peanut butter (they can also last up to 2 years)
7. noodles
8. oats
9. canned meat
10. white rice

Most of these food items can last up to 2 years or more thats why i would take them on an ocean voyage

Friday, December 6, 2019

Genius hour

This is my genius hour ive been doing for two weeks

Monday, December 2, 2019

Free Writing my weekend

On the weekend I stayed at  home most of the time we went shopping in kerikeri all day like we stayed there from 10am to 6pm. that was on Saturday. On Sunday I stayed home all day I mowed the lawn a bit played with my cats and just watched Netflix all day. And now im at school ( ͡°⏠ ͡°).

Monday, October 21, 2019

My Weekend

On the weekend I went to the Te ahureka festival at the otiria marae it was awesome there were heaps of stalls our family did one and we got lots of money. All I really did at the festival was eat and watch the performances then we went home.Then on Sunday I went back to the marae and had free breakfast it was small but I didn't mind .Then we went to whangarei to go to the hospital to see our papa then we went home

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tuia Writing

Today we have been doing our tuia writing its when you pick an object and write about it as if you were the object .And we got card that told us the story of that object.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today we have been learning how to put data into a graph on our computers .First we put the data on the board of how many people in our group have social media accounts. Then we made a google drawing in our maths folder and made a graph in it. Then we had to edit it and change everything to put the real data in it. Then we had to make some I notice sentences I did 5. I found it easy because I already knew how to make a chart and put data in it. I found it hard that I had to make my own I notice sentences.

Monday, October 14, 2019

My Holidays!

My Holidays
On the holidays I went to my mums house and did lots of stuff. On the Wednesday we went ice skating for 2 hours I failed the most it was fun skating with my sister. but most of the week we stayed home and did stuff there. once when we went shopping half way down the street our dog was chasing us so we put her in the car. then on the last day we went to the warehouse and got me my first phone for my birthday it was awesome. then I had to go home with my  nana and papa.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ski Camp 2019

we did so many things. We had a loooong 8 hour drive to get to our Ruapehu lodge. We stopped a few times on the way. When we got to the lodge we had to get our bags and go to our rooms.when we got to mount Ruapehu we had go get our ski gear and these people had to teach us how to ski then we got free time. Then the next time we had free time and they taught us more skiing then we went to the top of the mountain and sang some songs. then the next day  we went to the army museum and saw cool army stuff and we cooked food and sang them some songs. Then the next day we packed our stuff and went home.

Monday, September 2, 2019

My Weekend

On my weekend I had lots of fun on Saturday I brought some canvases from the shop some watercolor paint and some brushes it was cool I started painting and I painted a wolf I had 12 brushes all different and all were different sizes. I also drawed a fox but with pencils then on Sunday I went shopping for groceries with my nana and papa and came home and watched Netflix all day.
that was my weekend

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fun Run

Hi on Monday we road a train all the way to kawakawa rugby fields to do our fun run well actually its called cross country but we changed it fun run. this is a photo of me and my friend Mia im the one in the blue jacket. it was tireing I was the one who started a mud fight i was soo muddy at the end.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Doors (free writing)

Doors what do we really know about doors we open them we close them but when did we first make a door. The first door that was ever created was in the 1st century when a Greek scholar created the first automatic foot censored door during the  era of Greek and roman times. When was the first sliding door made. The first automatic sliding door was invented in 1954 by Lew Hewitt. the first one was installed in 1960. When was the first locked door created. the first locked door was created in the 3rd century by Romans who made a locked door so bandits wouldn't break into their homes.

Monday, August 5, 2019

My Speech

Last week on Wednesday I had to do my speech. We had to pick a topic to write about for our speech my topic was climate change it took me two weeks to write it but its not much really but im proud of it. We had to say our speech in front of the whole class . Here is my speech

I have a question for you.. do you know about climate change? You probably don't think it's a big deal but it is.  it's not happening in 1000 years it is happening right now. Kids have this intuition that when they grow up that the world is going to end or that they won't be able to grow up because of climate change. The things that we do in the next 20 years will hugely affect  the rest of our future. Im Angel and im here to tell you about climate change. Global warming is a long-term rise of temperature which leads to our polar ice melting. Like greenland it's ice has been melting rapidly over the past 5 years. Greenland's ice reflects most of the sun's rays off our planet and now it's melting and fast how do you think that will affect us if greenland ice is gone that means temperatures will be higher and antarctic ice will melt faster which leads to sea levels rising which also leads to the sea slowly taking up our land. Car pollution also contributes to climate change which is from the rise of greenhouse gases over the years the level of greenhouse gas has vastly risen over the years and it's at its peak.

There are some people who are trying to make a change. In NZ thousands of students from southland to the bay of islands are marching for action on climate change. This also has an effect on the weather. Extreme weather events have increased rapidly over the years we will be seeing more and more of these extreme events more hurricanes tornadoes thunderstorms hail storms all of these are happening more often because of the effect of climate change.Thats why we should walk more often or use a bike to go places so we don't contribute that much to climate change. We can slow it down but we can't stop it. If you do something about it we can help to make a better future for all of us. When you go home you should have a good think about what ive told you and see if you can make a change.

Friday, August 2, 2019

My Weekly 3

Today I have Done my weekly 3. Weekly 3 is when we do 3 maths practices called prototec eako and number of the day. I like doing prototec the most.

Monday, June 24, 2019

My Weekend (free writing)

On the weekend I went to Auckland to go to my little sisters birthday she turned 7. I stayed a night there then the next day we went early to go to Kelly Carlton it was so cool we saw penguins the penguins were my favorite. A penguin came right up to me and followed me. Then the next thing we saw was these turtles they were cool then we saw a pool that had fish that you could touch. Then we saw this long hall with fish at the top of your head it was cool. then after we finished going there we went to pizza hut and got some pizza. When we got home we ate all the pizza. After we finished our pizza my sister blew out he candles on her birthday cake. Then the next morning I had to wake up really early to travel all the way back home. My weekend was really fun.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Te Reo Maori lesson

Hi today we did our te reo maori lesson i did my mums grandparents in maori and my mum and dad. We do te reo once a week because that is our cultre in New Zealand. What i liked about this was we had to open a google drawing and write it in there. The Maori version is at the top and the English version is at the bottom. I actually liked doing the whole thing i didnt hate any of it. I picked this sentence structure cause i wanted to do it about my grandparents so yea. Next week we have he again so i can wait for another lesson.Our te reo maori teacher is whaea whetu she teaches us sentence structures that we can say at anytime.

Monday, June 10, 2019

My Weekend

On the weekend I went to Hamilton (Ham)-il-ton it was fun we stayed at a motel the best thing about it was it had WiFi. Then the next day on Saturday we just stayed at the motel all day.then the next day after that which was Sunday we went out to the mall for the day we left at 11 o clock and left the mall at 3 o clock it was fun at the mall but all we did was eat at the mall witch was good. And then we took my cuzins back to there home witch is Hamilton boys high and we said our good byes Then  me and my family parted ways and went home. we got home at 9 o clock   ;-;  but it was still a good weekend.When I got home I had to pack away all my clothes and go to bed. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mist (free writing)

Mist is actually tiny (super tiny) drops of water hanging in the air. That is pretty cool.If you had a microscope you would be able to see them they are big under a microscope.Mist is also mixed with some gas that is how you are able to see the mist.Mist usually forms in the morning when it is a bit warmer that is when mist forms.Mist is a lot like fog but mist is less dense than fog. Fog is more thick than mist. Volcanoes produce volcanic mist thins is caused by steam vents that produce the mist. You will find mist all over the world there is no place on earth where you wont find mist. Mist is literally everywhere. There is hot mist and cold mist when they mix it becomes steam steam is very hot though. steam and fog is like mist's cousin but they are a lot different. guess what........ i tried to grab fog but i mist...ha mist puns.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Milk (Free Writing)

Did you know that cow can produce as much as 6.3 gallons of milk a day to me that is a lot
cows also eat more than 100 pounds of food per day and drink 50 gallons of water per day
on average one cow produces about 2,300 gallons (or pounds) of milk in its life time maybe even more. And 1 cow farm can produce 21 billion gallons of milk per year now that is A LOT of milk.
the most amount of milk produced by one cow was 59,298 gallons of milk just by one cow.
More than 1000 mew dairy products are made every year that includes Chocolate,milk,and cheese.
milk is...wait for it...LegenDAIRY.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Carpool Karaoke 2019

Hi im Angel from Kawakawa primary on Friday we had our Assembly and one of our items was carpool karaoke we had 10 mins each in our teachers car and this is what we done. It was really fun doing this most of us wore costumes and practiced our dance to do in the car. It took us 2 days to do this and our teacher had to edit and delete some of it. We did carpool karaoke 3 time one in 2017 one in 2018 and this one in 2019.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Free Writing Salmon run

The salmon run is on of the most biggest event in the animal kingdom. It is when salmon migrate from the ocean to the freshwater rivers of there home land. Salmon can smell one tiny drop of fresh water out of thousands of liters of salt water cause there sense of smell is 100 times greater than our its pretty amazing. When they first reach there home rivers the rivers are pretty small but that doesn't stop them. When it rains though the rivers become Huge.Then something pretty amazing happens...They start jumping over water falls if that was us it would be like jumping over a 30 story building. But they can jump over waterfalls because they are made of pure mussel and can jump over a balcony if there was one. But they have one enemy...Bears they stand at the top of the water falls and catch salmon in their mouths it is crazy. and if they make it over the waterfall they then have to go to the river where they were born so they can reproduce. But the rivers where they were born are full of bears trying to catch them. but even if the bears dont eat them they still die anyway cause after their finish making eggs they die 1 week later because when they were out in the salty ocean they got used to being in salt water so when they went into fresh water there skin started falling of so then they die cause they are not used to being in fresh water anymore. But after they die they do something even more amazing when bears and wolfs drop the salmon by trees they start decaying into the ground and then become food for the trees.

Monday, April 29, 2019

What I Did On The Holidays!

On the Term 1 holidays I went to my Mothers house we did all sorts of things we went to the wave pools we stayed there for two hours!. then we went shopping at whangarei. and then we just stayed at home. then when I went back home to my nana and papa we went to my uncles house because my cuzins were leaving back to boarding school for a whole term so we went there to say goodbye. and yea that my my holidays in a nutshell.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Free writing Weekend

On the weekend I went to the weetbix triathlon but I didn't do I was watching my cuzin do it. I wasn't really watching him I was playing the games that were there it was fun. When my cuzin tupakari was finished he won a gold medal it was cool. When it was prize giving he didn't get anything but i was still proud of him.

Monday, April 1, 2019

How Do Big Cats Hunt?

                   How Do Big Cats Hunt?

How does the tiger hunt well they use there front and back claws they usually hunt alone or with another family member . when they pounce they are as silent as an owl then when they land on there prey they bite then on the neck and dont let go and then they use there back paws to rip open the stomach. What about lions?. well lions hunt in a totally different way they hunt in large groups up to 15 females might hunt together. and when they hunt they stalk there prey in the tall grass so they dont get caught. then they pick the weakest one out of the herd then they all start running then when there close to there pray they start jumping on it. then they start biting the neck and other start jumping on its back so it trips. Tigers and Lions hunt in different ways but they have one thing in common they are big cats.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Christchurch Poem

Christchurch a targeted town of a person with hate in his heart But we stand strong He turned his hate into a act of violence But united we are powerful 50 people got taken because of someone's hate It feels like 50 beautiful islands getting washed away by the sea We have lost our safe New Zealand name Christchurch has been left with a scar that will always be there The whole of New Zealand will be affected by this The color of your skin shouldn't affect your life If your a different color you still deserve respect 50 people went to a safe place to pray but now they will never return But we will overcome this and hope to life in peace

i wrote this for all the people who got effected from the Christchurch disaster

Blue Whale

Blue whales are the biggest whales on earth and the biggest animals on earth. they are so massive but surprisingly they only eat crill and shrimp.a blue whales tongue weighs as much as an elephant and there hearts weigh as much as a car. they are mammals to but they just live under the sea.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Invisible woman poem

hi this is my invisible woman poem we had to do a thing called are we there yet its about womans suffrage movement its about letting woman have the right to vote and stuff. but this is about invisible woman invisible woman are woman in our community who are invisible no one even knew they existed so we are writing what we think they did.

Monday, March 18, 2019


                              My Weekend
My weekend was awesome because it was my nanas 99th birthday it was cool we went to her house it was kinda sad cause that was the last time we would be able to go to her house. cause it is on sale cause she now lives in a rest home. but it was still fun we took lots of photos and videos there was lots of food to. when she cut the cake it was cool to watch. i was the only child there the rest were adults well there was my cousin saffire but shes 18. iv been to my nanas about probably 12 times she does remember me but she always forgets my name. for a present i gave her a stuffed bunny and a wool pajamas to wear in winter. when it was time to leave we had to say goodbye to everyone and my nana it was a log drive because we live in moerewa an my an lives in wells ford its a 1 hour drive back home but i didn't really mind.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Hi this is my poem about a ship in a bottle I made it for another school to see cause its part of our class project it was fun to make. What i liked about it was writing the poem its self it was fun. the thing i didn't like about it was finding the words to put the poem together we had to find the words ourselves. But altogether it was a fun experience to make this poem. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Monday, March 11, 2019


A Giraffe is a type of long necked horse is on of the tallest mammals to walk the African planes there head holds two small horns to help there head to keep cool and to help brake leaves of trees. when they are born unlike zebras they are born with there stripes zebras are born white then it takes 2 hours to get there stripes. every giraffes pattern is different just like there height. they are related to zebras and okapi. they have long hair that goes down there neck they need it to represent there dominance in other words the longer there hair the more likely they will get a mate.

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Pizzly Bear Writing

On Monday mornings we do 20 minutes of free writing we can write about anything we want here is mine.

The pizzly bear is a hybrid of the grizzly bear and a polar bear or its a grolar bear they were first breaded in captivity then they started breading on there own in the wild since the climate has gotten warmer the grizzly bear started wandering from there home range in Alaska and Canada and north america to polar bear territory there have been sightings of polar bears and grizzly bears eating together there are only 24 known pizzly bears in the wild maybe more but who knows. in a zoo in wellington they breaded two pizzly bears one pizzy and the other one whiow pizzy was big she had a white back brown paws and nose white face brown around the eyes though. whiow was the opposite brown back white paws brown face and white around the eyes. they are two of 4 rased in captivity there mother was a polar bear there father was a grizzly bear. pizzlys are adapted to living in cold climates like the polar bear and warmer climates like the grizzly bear so they can live in cold and warm climates pizzlys are mostly found around antarctic places and in Alaska. back in 2008 a hunter shot a pizzly not knowing what it was he gave it to a zoo near wellington and the zoo gave to a scientist to see what this unusual bear was. he took a DNA sample and it came back withe the dna of a grizzly and a polar bear.