
Saturday, December 21, 2019

day 5 activity 3 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to choose a person whose changed live s and or the world or just my community and read all about them.
Theres a very  important person in our community sadly hes deceased his name was hundertwasser he created a very unique looking toilet in our community 
hes created more than 80 creations like this one all around the world. He was an amazing person. 100s of thousands of people from all over the world come to kawakawa each year just to see these toilets . beacause of him kawakawa is a popular place and kawakawa thanks him for that.

day 5 activity 1 week 1 slj

for this activity I have to tell you three things that are important to me and why.
personal drawing is important to me cause I love to draw it makes me feel good. My cats are important to me I dont know what id do without them cause they are so cute. My family is the most important thing in the world to me cause I love them

day 4 activity 2 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to think of a name that I would change my name to and why.
My names Angel so I would change my name to Anahera thats the Maori word for Angel I've always liked the name Anahera. My papa is Maori so I think he would support that idea but I would not change y name to Anahera even If I was allowed to.

day 3 activity 2 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to imagine interviewing LeBron James or Steven Adams and make up five questions I would ask one of them.
I would interview LeBron James heres the five questions I would ask him
1. why did you decide to play basketball
2. whats your motivation
3. do your family support you
4. if you could would you decide to play another sport
5. what do you do for free time

day 3 activity 1 week 1 slj

For this activity I have to imagine I could be a superhero for a day and tell you what 3 superpowers i would have and why.
1. super strength (I would have this power in case someone was stuck or trapped so i could help them)
2. shape shifting (I would have this power so I could tern into anything I want Including animals.)
3. levitation (I would have this power so I could lift things with my mind)

day 2 activity 3 slj week 1

For this activity I have to tell you a time when me or someone I know was brave.
Once I went to a marae at ti ti beach me and my cousin were playing. then we saw this small cliff and we decided to climb it I was at the top watching him climb. then he yelled out that he needed help because he couldn't climb anymore and he was already really high. So then I grabbed a long bamboo stick and pulled him to the top.

day 2 activity 2 week 1 slj

for this activity I have to write a poem about what Neil Armstrong would have felt when he first stepped on the moon.
stepping out of Apollo 11 you could see for miles
of just space it was amazing
when I took that first step
I knew I was making history
as I stuck the american flag in the moon
I knew I was representing my country
the whole world was watching

slj activity 3 week 1

If i were to choose a charity i would choose SPCA
I would choose them because they keep animals that have been hurt or injured and nurse them back to health and find them a home to live in. They also keep pet that people dont want anymore and find them new homes. Thats why i would choose SPCA cause they are a good charity made to help animals.

day 1 week 1 slj activity

Heres my list of 10 food items i would take on an ocean voyage
just remember there would be no fridge to keep the food cool so you would have to take food that can last long

1. crackers (they last long)
2.bread (they last long enough
3.butter (for the bread)
4. biscuits (they also last pretty long)
5. canned tuna (they can last up to 2 years)
6. peanut butter (they can also last up to 2 years)
7. noodles
8. oats
9. canned meat
10. white rice

Most of these food items can last up to 2 years or more thats why i would take them on an ocean voyage

Friday, December 6, 2019

Genius hour

This is my genius hour ive been doing for two weeks

Monday, December 2, 2019

Free Writing my weekend

On the weekend I stayed at  home most of the time we went shopping in kerikeri all day like we stayed there from 10am to 6pm. that was on Saturday. On Sunday I stayed home all day I mowed the lawn a bit played with my cats and just watched Netflix all day. And now im at school ( ͡°⏠ ͡°).