
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

spiders web

today i made a spider web and it was fun you had to tie it on popsicle sticks and then you have to weve the wool together and when you are finished you make your spider and your finished then you show it to your parents .


  1. Hi Angel your spider web looks really cool but you might want more photos and some more words talking about it other wise it's really cool.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your spider web its really cool oh I forgot to tell you who i am I'm Nikita from Yaldhurst model school i'm a year 5 your web makes me shake with fair.

  3. Hello Angel I am maddison from yms in a year5-8 class your web looks really cool but you do have some spelling mistakes like only one full stop, and no capital letters, and a you need a capital I.And next time you will need to add a little more crampshee but You look like you had fun

    my blog

  4. kia ora Angel my name billie I like your blog about how to make spiders web maybe you could put some more photos on the post.

  5. Hi Angel,

    I really like your spiderweb. It's such a cool idea! How long did it take you to finish it?

    Keep up the good work!

    Yaldhurst Model School

  6. Wow I really like the way you made your spider web it looks really hard but at the same time it also looks really cool

  7. Hi I am Gracie from yaldhurst model school i really like your post i hope i can see more of your awesome posts and slides. I really like your spider web i think it is really cool

  8. hi im shay from yaldhurst model school i really like you spider web i hope i can see more of your post

  9. hi im shay from yaldhurst model school i really like you spider web i hope i can see more of your post

  10. Hi Angel, my name is Jedi. I really like your spider web it is very creative. You did a great job. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see your next post.

    Jedi =)

  11. Hi there Angel my name is Parwin, i think that you did a great job with your web making. Keep up the great work! :{D
