Dingoes lets start of with you CAN NOT keep them as a pet it it is illegal because it can harm other people and other animals. Dingoes live in Australia and the us.Dingoes don't have any natural predators except if they have pups a eagle a python monitor lizards and thats all but adult dingoes don't have any predators. Dingoes are mammals they are a type of dog but they don't consider them as a dog. When the British people came to Australia they found the Australian natives living and hunting with dingoes and training them to hunt. the real name of the dingoes is C.lupus the indigenous people of Australia tell heaps of story's about dingoes here is one of thoughs story's. when the world was still forming the god bunjil began to create the mountains the rivers and the seas and plants and all the animals. when he made Gariwerd bunjil became a eagle so he can fly up high and view his work. bunjil had two helpers they were dingoes there job was to name the animals and the creatures make the languages and the laws. At the end of this time bunjil rose to the sky and became a star he is still up there to this very day the protector of this world and the dingoes had family's and friends to have company.
You have a lot of knowledge about dingoes, Angel, and I like your retell of the myth at the end. Maybe next time think about structuring your writing more clearly so it flows more easily.