
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Helo today we have been creating WORLD RECORDS

Friday, November 16, 2018

Grizzly Bear Writing

Grizzly's can live up to 8 feet tall there diet is made up mostly of berry s leaves and nuts there are 8 types of bear in the wild  there are polar bear speckled bear brown bear black bear giant panda and Asiatic bear. Most bears are carnivores but some are vegetarians they only attack animals if they feel that you are threatening them. Like the giant panda feeds mostly on bamboo and leaves but there favorite food is actually grapes but they do mostly eat bamboo. They use caves and logs as there den or an old abandoned cabin or a trailer that is left in the wood somewhere.There is a story of how  bears became to be. First there was a village of people they had one man who never listened or worked one day his father said im sending you to go live with your uncle for 2 years to learn how to work like a ,man should he lives on a farm not that far from here. So the boys dad sent him there with a map but he got lost so he found a small group of people . thoughts people helped him find his uncle's farm they all said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways. Two years passed and he learnt to do hard work and labor he forgot all about the group of people that helped him. He found them on the way back but they looked different they had hair all over there body so they said to the boy come live with us we don't have to do work we just eat drink and have fun out here so what do you say the boy said yes and joined them he soon to become hairy and big. His dad sent out a search party to find his son they found the group of bears and tried to kill them but the boy said hey it's me they recognized his voice and decided to leave him alone. They told the boys dad what his son became he was sad but he said if my son wants to be a beast he can. So to this day bears are still growing in population and in size.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Dingoes Writing

Dingoes lets start of with you CAN NOT keep them as a pet it it is illegal because it can harm other people and other animals. Dingoes live in Australia and the us.Dingoes don't have any natural predators except if they have pups a eagle a python monitor lizards and thats all but adult dingoes don't have any predators. Dingoes are mammals they are a type of dog but they don't consider them as a dog. When the British people came to Australia they found the Australian natives living and hunting with dingoes and training them to hunt. the real name of the dingoes is C.lupus the indigenous people of Australia tell heaps of story's about  dingoes here is one of thoughs story's. when the world was still forming the god bunjil began to create  the mountains the rivers and the seas and plants and all the animals. when he made Gariwerd bunjil became a eagle so he can fly up high and view his work. bunjil had two helpers they were dingoes there job was to name the animals and the creatures make the languages and the laws. At the end of this time bunjil rose to the sky and became a star he is still up there to this very day the protector of this world and the dingoes had family's and friends to have company.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Exercise Writing

Why is exercise important?. It's important because it helps you get physically fit in terms of your health. And it makes you mentally happy to it is fun to do exercise. It can make you do the right food choices like eating more vegetables and fruit. And it can make you grow more muscles in your arms and legs. Like if you have a weight problem you can exercise to lose some of that weight. And it is good if you have an illness like diabetes.

What does it do for you? It can help you get fit or have fun it is mostly enjoyable when you do any kind of fitness or exercise there the same thing.  One thing is that it does make you healthy it makes your physical appearance better in terms of your health. Doing at least one exercise session a day can really improve your health. And it will make you way more active. Even just walking is exercise to. Running and walking is exercise and good for your health.

Friday, October 26, 2018

My music i made this

it was fun here is the link if you want to try it

Friday, October 19, 2018

A LONG STORY the boy who cried wolf

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy named Asif who lived in a village in one of the many beautiful valleys in Northern Pakistan. Asif’s village was located at the foothills of Pakistan’s famous mountain range known as Kurra Kurram. These mountains are very high and very bare with no vegetation whatsoever. But it is a very different scene in the valleys. There are fast-flowing rivers, like the Swat River, which runs from the snow-covered mountains to create beautiful waterfalls and lakes below. There is lush green grass; and in the springtime the ground is covered in brightly coloured flowers and hundreds upon hundreds of butterflies take to the air creating a truly heavenly place.
There was another village further up the valley where Asif’s cousin lived. Looking down from that village, the trees and houses below appeared like little toys. Asif always enjoyed this scene whenever he visited his cousin, Hamza, and would often look for his own house in the village far below. The young boy marvelled at how small and distant it all seemed.
Asif’s father, Ahmed, owned a small herd of goats which he would take out of the village for grazing early each morning. Asif often liked to accompany his father on these trips as there was no school in the small village. Asif’s mother always made them a lunch of meat curry, chapattis and parathas, and a lovely milk drink called lussie. She would wrap the lunch in a square of cloth and Asif would carry it with him to keep it safe until it was time to eat.
Asif was a very active boy and would run around after the goats and keep them in check. His father was very pleased and thought that such training would make Asif a very good shepherd when the boy was older.
At midday, Asif and his father would spread out a roll of cloth beneath the shade of a tree and sit down for their lunch. The young boy always enjoyed his paratha and his lussie drink. When eating, both father and son would keep a watchful eye on the goats to make sure that none wondered away from the herd.
They would always return home before sunset as there was no electricity in the village and they needed to eat their dinner before the night set in. Asif went to bed soon after his dinner because there was little to do in the dark, and also because he had to wake very early each morning to milk the goats before taking them out to graze.
Asif enjoyed the lambing season when the goats and sheep gave birth to their kids and lambs. The young boy loved the little lambs and carried them around under his arm, imitating their tiny bleating sounds… ‘Maa..maa..maa..maa.’
Hamza would often visit from the hills above, then both boys would carry the lambs around and feed them soft food from their palms and cuddle up close to them to stay warm whenever the weather turned cold.
When Asif was older his father gave him the responsibility of looking after the herd. Hamza often joined Asif and the two boys would get up early to milk the goats and then take the herd out of the village for grazing. This became a routine for both boys and the days and nights passed slowly.
Until, one dark night, a wolf attacked the chickens and goats belonging to a farmer who lived close by. This caused much concern in the village and so it was decided that two men would be posted on guard to kill the wolf if it attacked again.
The wolf did attack again, but this time the men shot and killed the beast and the village soon returned to its peaceful state once more.
Sometime later, when the two boys were sitting on a rock in the meadow watching the goats munching away at the fresh grass, Hamza said to Asif, ‘The goats are grazing happily but we are always so bored. It is not fair.’
Asif thought about this for a moment then replied, ‘We should do something exciting then. What shall we do?’
Naughty Hamza grinned from ear to ear. ‘We should make fools of the people of the village,’ he said at last.
‘How do we do that?’ asked Asif.
Hamza went on to remind Asif about the night the wolf attacked the chickens and goats and how the men had been posted to guard the village with guns. ‘Then the wolf did attack and the men killed it! That was very exciting!’ exclaimed Hamza. ‘But then everything became peaceful and boring again.’
Asif remembered because it was the only exciting thing that had happened in the village for a very long time.
‘You know what I am thinking,’ continued Hamza. ‘If we shout and scream and say, “The wolf is attacking again! Help! Help!” then we would see how the people in the village would run to save us.’
‘But it is very bad to tell lies,’ said Asif, who was not at all sure about his cousin’s naughty plan.
‘It is just a joke,’ insisted Hamza. ‘Don’t you want to see their worried faces as they run to help us? It will be so funny.’
‘And when they discover that there is no wolf and they see us laughing at them, they will be very annoyed with us,’ said Asif. But even as he said this, Asif had to admit that it would indeed be very funny to see the looks on the villagers’ faces as they ran into the meadow. He also had to admit that it was very boring watching the goats chew on the grass all day. ‘Okay,’ he said at last, ‘how do we do it?’
Hamza explained his plan and the two boys found themselves laughing and rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of making fun of the unsuspecting villagers.
The next morning, after milking the goats, the two boys led the herd into the meadow to graze. After enjoying their tasty lunch, packed nicely for them by Asif’s mother, they decided to carry out their naughty plan.
Hamza hid himself behind a bush while Asif ran down to the village shouting at the top of his voice, ‘Help us! Help us! The wolf is attacking Hamza! Please help us!’
As soon as the villagers heard Asif’s cries for help, they picked up their sticks and axes and ran towards the meadow. ‘Where is the wolf?’ asked one man. ‘How did he attack Hamza?’ asked another. ‘Did the wolf drag him away like he did with my goats and chickens? Tell us, where is Hamza?’
The villagers were very worried as they searched all about for the injured boy.
It was then that Hamza jumped out from his hiding place. ‘Welcome. Thank you for coming,’ said the cheeky boy with a big grin upon his face, ‘but there is no wolf here. He ran away when I told him that the villagers were coming to kill him.’ Then Hamza fell to his knees and burst out laughing. When Asif saw the looks of concern and panic on the villagers’ faces he too burst out laughing and began rolling about in the grass.
The villagers were very angry with the boys, and as they walked away from the meadow they promised to tell Asif’s father about his son’s wicked behaviour.
When Ahmed discovered what his son had done he was very disappointed indeed. He dragged the two boys before the crowd of villagers and made them both apologise for their sneaky trick and promise never to do such a thing again.
A few months passed and life returned to normal. But one day, as Hamza and Asif were tending to the goats in the meadow, a fierce wolf came around the hill and tried to drag one of the goats away. Hamza jumped to his feet and ran after the wolf to scare it away. But the fierce wolf simply dropped the goat and got a hold of Hamza’s leg instead.
Asif was terrified at the sight of his friend being dragged away by the wolf and quickly ran towards the village screaming, ‘People of the village, please come quickly! The wolf is dragging Hamza away! Please help us!’
One of the villagers said, ‘We are not going to be fooled again! Go back to your goats.’
‘Please!’ cried Asif. ‘I am telling the truth. Come and help Hamza before it is too late!’
A kindly villager decided to take a look at the edge of the meadow and there he saw Hamza with his leg trapped in the wolf’s powerful jaws. ‘Asif is telling the truth!’ he cried. ‘Come help at once!’
The villagers grabbed their sticks and axes and ran to help poor Hamza. And when the wolf saw the crowd running towards him, he let go of the boy’s leg and disappeared into the forest.
Two men picked Hamza up by his shoulders and they all returned to the village. The boy’s leg was very badly injured and he was in a great deal of pain. Asif was close to tears and asked the villagers, ‘Why did you not come sooner? Why did you not believe me?’
A woman stepped forward. ‘You lied to us once before,’ she explained. ‘This is why we did not believe you. Do you see now why it is wrong to tell lies? You must never behave in such a way for it causes mistrust.’
Asif looked at his injured cousin, and at the villagers who had saved the boy from the wolf, and he knew then that he would never tell a single lie ever again

Monday, August 27, 2018

My Reading This Week

This week in reading we have been learning to sumerise information and put it in our own words. sumerise is when you is when you find information and put it in your own words. I find it easy to sumerise information in my own way by finding the key clues in my own way.The book i read was about people training to be soldiers. what I liked about it was that i got to see what they had to do to be a soldier. What our activity was that we had to make a obstical course for students using the information from the text. i found this fun because i liked to make my own obstical course. My next step is to read more book to complete the hells wheel challenge and get a awesome free pizza!.

My Book Report

Hello my name is Angel from Kawakawa primary. Today im showing you my book report. My book is called RoofToppers. Its about a little girl called

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Student conference

Hi Im Angel And i go to Kawakawa Primary school this year we have been changing thing so on Tuesday we had a student conference here is my one :3 .

Friday, July 27, 2018

My writing again

My Focus for this piece of writing (from the writing pencils):

My Writing
Title:   Fox
Tells what the object or animal is, who the person
is or where the place is.
The fox family is the dog family it is related to cats but
it's more related to the dog family then to the cat family.

It's scientific name for fox is vulpes they gave it this
name because it's fancy.

There are 31 species of fox here's three. grey fox, kit fox
arctic fox and that's it.

Foxes live everywhere except china because it hasn't
been sent there yet.

Use paragraphs with topic sentences to
organise the different bundles of information

Object - size, shape and features, dynamics
, where it is used or found.

Person - Characteristics, where they live, what
they do, achievements.

Animal - appearance, habitat, behaviour, breeding, diet.

Place - size, facts, features
the fox is nocturnal  it mostly comes out at night.
It only comes out at day sometimes when it is hungry.
Foxes can also dig really deep when they're in trouble
or when they bury their food

The fox is an omnivore includes fruits, berries and
grasses. It also eats birds and animals like squirrels
, rabbits and mice
foxes mostly live underground so they won't be seen
by hunters or other big carnivores.

Breeding/ Life Cycle:
the life cycle is pup juvenile then adult.  They mate
from january through to march they have a litter to
about one or ten kits there not called pups there called kits.

1.A group of foxes is called a skulk or leash
2.foxes have whiskers on their legs and on their face
3. Foxes can retract their claws like a cat does
4.a male is called a dog fox when a female is called a vixen
You may want to make a personal
comment about the subject of the report

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


HI today well actually THIS WEEK we have been looking into this question HOW CLEAN IS OUR AWA? and what we found will blow your mind.

My Narrative Writing

Hello today we have been doing narrative writing WOHO . This piece is my one its called FLY HIGH. You really should read it (follow meh). What i found hard was coming up with this idea. What i found easy was WRITING IT DOWN so easy. so thats what i did today

Friday, June 29, 2018

Waitangi TRIP!!

Hello people  today i will be showing you OUR AWESOME TRIP to waitangi this lady
She was teaching us about our Maori past .and how the moari treaty was signed.WE learnt a lot from her. We also done projects we had to use either VR (virtual reality) tinker cad, mixed reality,sculpt gr. And yea. We did VR and tinker cad and we made a waka and a octopus  on tinker cad then put it on VR. And made a background. WE WERE THE FIRST SCHOOL TO FINNISH IT.( So cool) but unfortunately i cant show you our Finnish product.
what i found hard was making the octopus.
what i found easy was going on the awesome VR

Friday, June 22, 2018


Hai its me ANGEL from kawakawa primary... OK This is what we have been doing today we have been
making matariki haiku's. The thing i found hard was finding the right words to fit in my haiku
to make it stand out. The thing i found easy was writing THEM DOWN so easy. Thats all folks
good day.

Friday, June 15, 2018

OUR PIZZA what pizza did we make?

Today we made MOZZARELLA CHEZ (cheese). It was fun here is the recipe for the cheese and the doe.
I think the hard bit was cooking the cheese. The easy thing was waiting 30mins for it to cook.
The End. heres a fish *)3

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My explain writing By me (Angel)

Today we have been doing our writing about plastic bags and how they are bad for our environment.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dont be a Bully

Today we have done a doc of what a bully is. On Friday its pink shirt day that is why we did these posters.

Friday, May 11, 2018


This term we have been doing genius hour.Its when you can learn what ever you want and tell information about it.what i found hard was finding the right information.The thing i found easy was writing them in the slide. This is my genius hour its called dogs the bulldog.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

our hundreds maths

Hello im Angel as you know this is our maths we have done today.Today we learned hundreds and thousands (i already knew most of it) its when we had to do 531 + 345 we did this 500 + 300 =800
30 + 40=70 1+5=6 so its 876 so easy thats what we did.

Friday, March 2, 2018

volvo ocean race

hi im Angel and this is all the photos of the volvo ocean race it was very fun. we learned that when ever we use plastic it go into the ocean and kills the wild life. the ocean gives us 95% of our air if we didn't have the ocean we would die. it says that in 30 years our ocean would be dead :(
i pleged to never use a plastic bag and straws again.:(

Friday, February 16, 2018

my pepeha

Its 2018 to kick of the year we have been revisiting our pepeha. and we have to say it in taumata.

Friday, February 9, 2018

DLO how to take care of ur cromebook

This is me and Mia's DLO .we created it to show you how to take care of your chromebook.
We had fun creating this dlo.The thing i found hard was that we had to end it we just wanted to keep going. im going to make sure that i will take care of my cromebook and that others will as well.

The Treaty of Waitangi

We have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. We had to create a Google Drawing that was full of facts about the Treaty. I liked finding my own facts about the Treaty but found it hard to find a good background to support my work. I would like to find more facts, especially to find out who was the first Maori chief to sign the treaty. One day I would like to attend the Waitangi Day celebrations in Waitangi. Have you been before? What facts do you know?

These are all the facts I could find about the Treaty of Waitangi. Here is a picture of the Treaty.