
Friday, October 26, 2018

My music i made this

it was fun here is the link if you want to try it


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Angel, I love your music it is so cool. But what did you make this for??? Katie

  3. Hi it is Emma from St Patricks school and I really like your song but there is one thing what is it for???
    It is the best song ever that I have ever heard, when are you going to make another one like this I want more of this music.
    Blog you later Emma.

  4. Angel, this is a very upbeat song, well done with it. You need to ensure your learning story has been written in more detail though so people understand the task.
    What were you learning to do?
    What was the task?
    What did you think of it? Why?
    What might your next steps be and why?
    What could you use this tool for?

  5. Hi Angel,
    I enjoyed listening to your song, but like some other people have said why did you make it? Also maybe next time revise and edit. I have done something like this before for theme. We could create a song to tell a story of what we think it would be like if robots took over.

    Blog ya latter!!
