
Monday, May 20, 2019

Milk (Free Writing)

Did you know that cow can produce as much as 6.3 gallons of milk a day to me that is a lot
cows also eat more than 100 pounds of food per day and drink 50 gallons of water per day
on average one cow produces about 2,300 gallons (or pounds) of milk in its life time maybe even more. And 1 cow farm can produce 21 billion gallons of milk per year now that is A LOT of milk.
the most amount of milk produced by one cow was 59,298 gallons of milk just by one cow.
More than 1000 mew dairy products are made every year that includes Chocolate,milk,and cheese.
milk is...wait for it...LegenDAIRY.


  1. Some interesting facts about cows and milk Angel. Where did you learn about this information? Do you want to work on a dairy farm one day or you just like milk? I love your LegenDAIRY... did you come up with that or find it?

  2. Hi there, My name is Franky, I go to Paihia School. I really liked your post about milk, especially the end when you said LegenDARY. I never knew how much 1 cow can produce in one day so thank you for telling me. There were lots of cool facts that I liked reading about and I definitely learnt something new. I love milk how about you? If a cow can produce as much as 6.3 gallons a day how many liter bottles can they fill in a day? Can’t wait to read more.
